About Us

We are a couple from a little log cabin in a field in Ireland who found it hard to find high quality affordable sunglasses. We are into adventure sports and are keen sailors and skiers, we appreciate how important eyewear is to our eyes. So one day after not being able to find the right all rounder we decided to make our own.

We spent a couple of years designing and testing until we came up with the winning formula. High quality flexible frames teamed with top of the range lenses. We want to create a tribe of people who appreciate stylish eyewear without the need to pay crazy prices. As I said, we are into the outdoors and extreme sports ourselves this is reflected in our products. Our eyewear and accessories are not only fashionable, they are also highly functional.

Whether our Flexiframe plastic used in all our eyewear, our polarized UHD lenses, our floating glasses retainers or anything we produce you will not find a more fit for purpose product at our prices anywhere.

Hopefully you can join our tribe on this awesome journey.

Stay Lawless 
